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MijnWML (My-WML) – Online customer portal

Always online, better service, no more service ques.

Insight, efficiency and flexibility

WML is the provider of tap-water in the county of Limburg. Water of the best quality, uninterrupted supply and good service are their core values.

The goal of the portal was to enable citizens and companies to quickly arrange all required actions, like submitting their water usage or increasing/lowering their deposit, whenever it suits them without needing assistance of WML employees. Together, WML and Ivengi created a portal that can do all this and more.

sustainable customer service

Marlies Jager-Knops (project-lead ICT WML): “With a modern online customer portal we’ve moved towards modern and sustainable customer service. On top of being able to sort all required actions, the customer can login to the “my-environment” to gain an insight in their water usage and receive tips and tricks on improving it. The environment also offers a new way to communicate with customers about a range of topics, like pending waterworks for example.”

The Challenge

To create a modern portal that’s easy to use for citizens, companies and internal users. The platform will store large amounts of sensitive data that needs to be protective while remaining usable. Furthermore, the system needs to integrate seamlessly with the various systems that WML uses (i.e. SAP, MCF). The goal: to handle 75% of all customer contacts/requests through MijnWML within 5 years of launch. 

The Solution

MijnWML offers users the services and answers they’re looking with as few mouse clicks as possible. Since launch, WML employees have reported a significant decrease in the time spend on dealing with routine phone calls and emails, which has allowed them to spend time on specific customer requests. The up-time and speed of the platform ensure it can always be used regardless of where the user is.

Myrko Webers (Head Customerservice)
It’s very practical. Customers want to arrange their contactmoments with WML when it suits them. MijnWML has made this possible.

is key

To ensure successful adoption, Ivengi spoke with WML and their customers to provide insights on the requirements. One enthused user said: “It’s so helpful that I can find my current and historic bills in one place. It has allowed me to gain an insight in my water usage. It turns out my family uses a bit more than we thought. The portal provided useful tips to save on our water usage, which led to more awareness regarding water and water usage. The site is so informative and easy to use!.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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